Zinsser Bulls Eye Odourless

Size: 1 L
Sale price$48.00


When you need the stain-blocking performance of an oil-based primer—without any solvent odour—choose Rust-Oleum® Zinsser® Odourless Oil-Base Stain Blocker. This low-VOC primer is specifically designed to seal tough stains in indoor areas where people are present.

Bulls Eye Odourless is a high performance, oil-based undercoat primer-sealer/stain-blocker/bond coat that combines the convenience of fast dry time with outstanding adhesion and stain-blocking power.

This all-purpose oil based undercoat primer-sealer can be used over or under any oil or water based architectural paint and is ideal for new construction or renovating.

Priming Interiors – Use Bulls Eye Odourless to prime previously coated plasterboard, cured plaster and masonry, spackled areas, ceiling tiles, wood or metal doors, windows, cabinets, plywood, paneling, trim, glossy paints and clear finishers, and other interior surfaces. Bulls Eye Odourless is recommended for all types of wood (including pine, fir, cedar, redwood and plywood), hardboard and metals such as aluminum and galvanised steel.
Sealing – Bulls Eye Odourless seals unpainted or porous surfaces so topcoat paints have better coverage. Ideal for wood – this product fills and binds wood fibres creating excellent enamel holdout so fewer coats of paint are needed. If necessary, lightly sand new plasterboard after priming to remove any raised nap fibres. Note that very porous surfaces may require two coats and may reduce square metre coverage of the product
Stain Blocking – One coat of Bulls Eye Odourless will effectively block stains including water, nicotine, ink, graffiti, crayon, marker, rust and smoke stains. Heavy fire or water stains should be blocked with Zinsser Bin Shellac Based Primer
Technical Data

Coverage - 9.8 square metres per litre (coverage will vary depending on method of application and surface porosity)
Dry Time At normal temperatures will be touch dry in 30 minutes and can be re-coated after two hours and fully cured in 7 days 
Clean-Up Mineral Turpentine

Available in 1L and 3.75L Tins



  • Seals stains from water, fire and smoke damage
  • Oil-base performance when odour is a concern
  • Non-yellowing, dries flat, sands easily
  • Use with all topcoats
  • VOC compliant sprayable formula 

Ideal For:

  • Rest Homes
  • Hospitals
  • Nursery
  • Children's Room
  • Hallways
  • Public buildings


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